How to make infused coconut oil

How to make infused coconut oil

I love making infused coconut oil withwith my herbs. There's many uses that start with infused coconut oil base. You can cook with it , make topical lotions, put it into capsules. Here's the recipe I use...

How to make infused coconut oil
@ 1oz of herbs
Spray with ever clear or other high grade alcohol


Bake at 250 for 30min to 1 hour
Put into freezer to cool completely

Add 2 cups coconut oil and 1 TBSP lecithin Granules

Add the cooled herbs and ..

If using stove top add all ingredients into a sauce pan on low heat.

Stirring as needed. If using magical butter machine just set to 160 degrees and 1 hour setting.

when finished strain through cheesecloth and store in sealed glass jar, in cool dark place.

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